Friday, June 4, 2010


Hey lovers!!!
Well as you all know I have a 2-year-old ((yes the terrible TWO's)). Now this has been the third time that she has done this to me, but she ruined another perfectly good tube of lipstick.

Thank God it's only been Revlon.

Now I'm not a make-up artist so I don't really have palettes; at least no blush or lipstick ones.  I actually like the tubes & for my simple little make-up routine, the less brushes I have to use the happier I am.  The old me would've probably thrown it out because I am a neat freak. Yet, the new me is a little more frugal.

This is one of my favorite colors, in fact it's my favorite pink from Revlon "Pink in the Afternoon".

So instead of throwing it out, I remembered that I have a bunch of the little MAC containers, these...

So I am still a clean freak & just the presentation of the tube grossed me out a bit.  So I decided to transfer the product from the tube to the container.  Here were my "tools":
- a knife
- i honestly don't know what this thing is ((LOL))
- & the obvious the lipstick & the container

First, I used the knife & started breaking up the lipstick ((well my little sister did it--she's so helpful)).

And of course, put it in the container...

Now when you're done with that there is always still a bunch of product left so I used the metal stick to scoop out the rest ((which was perfect because it was pointy & flat)). Use anything that is narrow & sturdy enough to get in there & get the rest out.

Once, you're done it will look like this...((I apologize for the bad focusing))

This is what it will look like when you transfer the product, but it's still gloppy!

So, I microwave it just so it's appearance is more presentable. 

And before I throw out the Revlon tube I remove the sticker and transfer that as well.

And that's all that I have for now!! 
Later lovers!!

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